Flash FIction


                                                           Inside the Room
Kringg kringg the alarm was beeping, "Jon wake up it's already 6:30am! You will be late", My mom shouted me.Immediately went to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. After eating breakfast, I went to the bathroom to take bath, Five minutes later, i'm done I'm going to prepare. Mom wehre's my allowance? I'm going to school now, " i said with a higher tone . "on the table" my mom said.  "okay mom thanks, bye" i said calmly
                Kring Kringg the bell was ringing because it's already 7:30am, The class will start, I'm late, for sure my teachear will be mad at meagain hayss.

                 "Mr. Ramirez you're late!" my teacher shouted at me"
"hays here we again" i said to my mind
"Good morning sir sorry I'm late", i said While teary eye
"Come in"
"okay classnring lecture notebook I'm going to discuss today, please take down notes" My teacher said to a whole class
                  While my teacher discussing in i'm sleepy then i decided to close my eyes"zzzzzzz" hours later, Kring Kringg Kringg the bell was ringing agin, Its time to take a lunck break, Me and my friends decided to go outside the school to eat lunch on the carinderia, we used my motorcycle to go the carinderia. WHile im driving on the road, idid'nt notice that there's a litte girl who passing the road then suddenly i hit the little gilr, immediately checked the little girl was full of blood around her, I'm starting to panuc and cry, I'm nervous theres alot of people around me and they called the ambulanced to went the little on the hospital I don't know to, i called my mom bzzz bzzz phone ringing.

                  "hello mom help!" i said while my eyes tearing and my voice was shaking
"wha-what's happened" My mom's asking me, her voice likes confused
"there's a big problem, I accidentally hits the little girl" I said while tears eyes and my voice shaking
"w-what's h-hows happened! where are you now?
"here on the hospital"
"my mom said, her voice like cryingokay just wait me my son, don't panic please come down okay? Just wait me"my mom said, her voice like crying

                  Minutes later my mom was here "What's happenned my son? are you okay? tell m" M mom asking whil;e her eyes tearing
"I'm okay mom" I answered while my eyes tearing somoene i heared cryng,
"doc, doc how's my daughter? she's still fine right? tell me, she's still fine right!? doc please tell me" the parents of a little firl was crying
"sorry maam but sadly to say your daughters was died" the doctor said while teary eye, then he leave immediately
"No! that's not true, my daughter is still alive" the parents of a little girl sadi while crying

                   While she's crying walk closer to her then i said "sorry maa'am it'saccident, not my intention, please forgive me" I said while my voice shaking and my eyes tearing.
"Nooo! it's all your fault, you'll paid what you did to my daughter, i will never forvie you!" she shouted to me
They called the police< the minutes ago the police was coming while th police arresting me, I heard someting....

                  Kringg kringg kringg the bell was ringing. "okay class dismiss" my teacher said. I heard that, I open my eyes and i see all my class mates was laughing because i was slepping during the discussion of my teacher.
